Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Today's Sorrowful Thought....HAVE FAITH

Today I am probably going to ramble BUT please bear with me.


That's all, just a little faith. In God, your fellow man, that everything will turn out alright. Now I'm using God here as an example. We all may believe in a different God, but whomever your God is,  just for today,  say a prayer to him. That our leaders of all of the nations may one day find peace. That our doctors may one day find a cure for cancer, or diabetes or whatever you want a cure for. That the hungry shall have food, the homeless a home. That animals shall no longer suffer at the hand of a human, nor a child for that matter! There are so many things to pray for and yet we have countless things to already be grateful for. We must pray for these as well. I believe we get the good with the bad. How else will we know what we have? I pray the Catholic Church finds a new Pope to lead us all.


I pray for my friend who's husband just committed suicide. The helplessness one feels to do such an act. It is the ones left behind that will surely play the endless questions of  "What if?" over and over in their mind. Never getting the answer they so desperately want to hear. I pray for those who have lost their faith, that they may find it again. I pray for all of those whose live this man touched. Be they father, lover, brother, son or friend, find some of the peace that he now has. They will need it to carry them thru what will be difficult times in the days and weeks ahead of them.


I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who takes care of me in sickness and in health. I do the same for him. Being on oxygen I can barely climb a set of stairs let alone clean the house, he is such a good house-husband.
In richness and in poor. We are struggling to pay our debts that we have but an end will come and then we will finally be debt free..forever!  Looking forward to October 2014 when we make that final payment.
And most of all we are blessed with many friends and family. Another friend just found out he may have stage 4 cancer. He is getting married this weekend. So you see, they support us thru the good and bad times. Keep us laughing, hug us when we cry.


So today I say a prayer to my God for all of these things. Please keep my friends and their families in yours. I hope you say a prayer to yours for all you truly believe in. Amen.

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