Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summertime at last

With school coming to a close we look forward to spending more time outdoors. This of course means spending more time in the sun. For those of you with small children you not only have to think about the harming rays of the sun but what to do about sunburn as well. You can't keep them in all day but you can keep them out of the sun during the most harmful time, which they say is between 10am and 2pm, when the sun's rays are the strongest. Follow the instructions on your sunscreen bottle. Should they get a sunburn there are products that can help aleviate the burn. One such product can be purchased over the counter. It is called SARNA. It is an anti-itch lotion and has a cooling effect as well. Apply it liberally to the area as often as needed.
The other thing that comes with summertime of course are the mosquitos. While most of us do not like the smell of the repellent, we hate the bites even more. One sweet smelling remedy is AVON'S Skin So Soft. Not only will it help repel those pesky mosquitos but it will help keep the skin hydrated as well. I believe AVON even makes a new formula specifically for this. We don't want any West Nile Virus attacking our children this year.
However you look at it, your children will thank you in their older years, that you looked out for them. Remember a burn in childhood can often lead to skin cancer in our later years.
Have a safe and fun summer.